Automatic messages

In Timepan, you can create templates for automatically generated messages that are sent by the system to employees or department managers when the conditions in the template are fulfilled

In Timepan, you can create templates for automatically generated messages that are sent by the system to employees or department managers when the conditions in the template are fulfilled

Go to -Administration -Automatic Notification, there are already a couple of notification templates created and to create new templates you need to click +New to create a new notification template.

The Display When field

  • On selected date - The message is sent on the date specified in the Date field. The function is intended to be used, for example, to wish Merry Christmas.
  • On birthday - The message is sent when the employee has a birthday. Birthday is entered in the Date of birth field on the Personal\Personal information page.
  • Error calculating balance - The message is sent by the night job when the system has tried to calculate the balances (time worked, OB, overtime, etc.) for a given day but an error has occurred. The error may, for example, be due to the employee's failure to stamp. If errors have occurred for several days, only one message is sent. If there are already sent messages that are unread, this is deleted and replaced by a message that contains all the missing days.

The Message field

The message field is used to create the message content. The message must contain optional text as well as four constants to create a more intelligent message. There are four constants:

  • <EmployeeFirstName> - The constant is replaced with the employee's first name when the message is sent.
  • <EmployeeLastName> - The constant is replaced with the employee's last name when the message is sent.
  • <EmployeeNumber> - The constant is replaced with the employee's employment number when the message is sent.
  • <AttentionDateList> - Replace the constant with a comma-separated list of dates for the days on which calculation errors have occurred.ylls.