
The calendar is an overview of scheduled shifts, absences and any shift changes to days. 

The calendar is an overview of scheduled shifts, absences and any shift changes to days. 

If base schedule  is the desired schedule, the calendar displays the actual outcome of the planning. 

Here you can see the shifts that have been added, deleted and their deviation codes. This particular page has many symbols that give you an overview of what has happened to the schedule during the month. 
The round arrow symbol indicates that the work shift has rolled out automatically through the base schedule, see 2/3.
The symbol may be crossed out, which indicates that the base schedule has been disrupted on this particular day, see 1/3.
If a shift has an asterisk, this means that there is a manual change to the hours of the shift, see 14/3.
The box with an arrow is a shortcut to our absence manager.  
All-day absence is marked with a deviation code in red, see 21/3
Part-time absence/absence during part of the day in blue together with the hours to which the absence refers. See 2/3.
At the bottom you can see how many scheduled hours the month contains and how many scheduled overtime hours the employee has to work. 
If you click on a day in the calendar, you will be directed to the day level of the Timetable called Stämplingar och Saldon (Time rec. and balances).