Deviation codes

In this article we will go through the most used deviation codes in Timeplan.

Under Agreements - Deviation Codes you will find the deviation codes that are registered in your database. Timeplan Support are responsible to add or change the deviation codes. 

The most common deviation codes are: 

  • According to schedule = When employees clock in/out before/after work shift hours but no extra time is counted. It will only register hours according to the schedule. 
  • Overtime (ordered to work) = Work outside of shift hours where the employees get paid overtime depending on the contract they're connected to. Overtime must be approved by an administrator. 
  • Extra work = Work outside of shift hours or working without a work shift scheduled. 
  • Permission  = Paid absence, for example for a funeral 
  • Parental leave = Time off without pay, while getting compensation from "Försäkringskassan"
  • Off duty / Unpaid leave = unpaid absence
  • Public holiday days = One vacation day from working on public holidays 
  • Annual leave / Vacation = Time off during vacation 
  • Sick leave = In case of sickness
  • Care of children = Time off to care of sick children without pay, compensation paid by "Försäkringskassan"
  • Days at birth of child - 10 days (Partner days) = 10 days off work, unpaid, in the happening of childbirth. (for partners)
  • Care of family member = Unpaid days off work to care for family members. Compensation paid by "Försäkringskassan"

The Deviation codes are connected to the different agreements depending on the rules and settings of the agreement itself. You as a customer can decide which deviation codes should be available for the employees to use while clocking in/out and which ones are only available for administrators to register absence of their employees in form of half day or full day absence. 

You can also choose if the deviation codes should include compensation in form of Uncomfortable working hours compensation,  Public Holiday compensation, if they should trigger break deduction or food deduction and if they have to be approved by the administrators. We recommend that all the deviation codes that will cost money for the company should be approved by the administrators.