Hire an employee

Start by making sure that the person has previously been employed and registered in Timeplan by searching for the person on the Staff page, put a checkmark in the box Without an active employment agreement.

Start by making sure that the person has previously been employed and registered in Timeplan by searching for the person on the Staff page, put a checkmark in the box Without an active employment agreement.

If the person has not been previously employed, select New+ and fill in the following information on the personal data page.

  • Name
  • Personal identification number (10 digits)
  • Date of birth (use TAB to auto fill)
  • Address
  • Postal code
  • Postal address
  • Telephone number
  • Email

When you register an employee, an employee number is generated automatically, however, it can be adjusted to match the data in the salary system or to comply with other requirements.

After making changes to the Timeplan pages, you must press Save to save these changes.

On the page Supplementary information, fill in the punch terminal(s) in which the employee can clock in and out. Multiple terminals can be selected if the employee works at multiple locations within the company. If transferring bank account details, please also fill in the bank account on this page. The bank account is entered according to the standard supported by the company, which is often four digits for the clearing number, hyphen and then the account number sequence, such as CCCC-NNNNNNNNN. Swedbank accounts are often entered without the fifth check digit and thus follow the same standard as above.

Now the person must be linked to an agreement and this is done under Employment agreements.

Here, you select which collective agreement the employee should be linked to. This is done in the subheading Employment agreements. It is important to choose the right agreement in order for the time to be calculated correctly. Read through the agreements you can choose from by holding down the drop-down menu for collective agreements, considering which one is most similar to the agreement you physically signed with the employee.

If the agreement name contains the word “Mon”, this means that this is an agreement for employees who receive a fixed monthly salary. If it says “Tim” in the agreement name, this means that the employee is permanently employed for a certain number of hours but is paid hourly, not a lump sum monthly. If an employee has a permanent employment, it is important that you fill in the number of hours the employee will work each week in the box Weekly working hours. Weekly working hours are then used as basis for all time calculations in the system. All employees must be linked to at least one Cost centre and you can add or remove cost centres by pressing Add/Remove.