Add Manual Balances

This article explains how to manage/add manual balances in Timeplan.

Sometimes you will need to add an external account to prepare for payroll, for example external account for different types of additions, to add a balance or make corrections to specific accounts. If Period adjustments can't be done you can add manual balances. 

The transaction needs to be done within an open salary period and if the account is connected to salary it will be transferred in the salary file. If it is not connected to salary it will not be transferred in the salary file. 

You can both add balances and make credits, if an account is not correct. You go through Staff - chosen employee - Time stamps and balances. 
Choose the day of the month you want to make the alteration and clock on "Add balance". 

In the next step you will choose the correct account for the transaction and the amount you want to add/credit (if you want to credit you just put a minus before the amount i.e - 10:00). 

How to write the amount depends on how the account is set up (hours, decimals or quantity). 

  • Quantity is entered in integer values, example 2
  • Hours is entered with a colon, example 01:30 (one hour & thirty minutes) 00:30 (thirty minutes)
  • Decimal is entered in decimal form, example 1,5 

Then you have to fill out the correct Department that should be charged. It is always the employees primary department that will show first. You can also add a comment about why this balance was added/credited if you want to. 

If you want to separate the added manual balance from the rest you check the box "Show user balances separatetely". And the manual balances will always show at the bottom of the accounts for the day, it will also show who has added the balance:

If you want to delete the added balance, just press the click on the red cross and Save and it will disappear. This can only be done within an open salary period. Once it is closed you will not be able to delete the manual balances.