Reports and Templates

Timeplan has automatic, built-in reports for you as an administrator to find, and print, all conceivable information when you need it.

To find the different reports you go to Reports in the menu to the left and choose in which category you would like to print the report. Every category of reports has it's own selection of reports. 

Report templates: 

Report templates are used to filter what accounts to show in the different reports - depending on what you are looking for - to print the relevant balances. 

To change or make new report templates you go through Reports - Report templates. Here you will find all the existing templates. To make your own just press +New: 

In this step you will be shown a box with all the accounts that are configurated in your database and move them over to the box on the right. If you want specific accounts to show incoming and outgoing balances in the reports you just double click on it when you've moved it. Then an asterisk will show next to the account name. Then you will have to name the template and decide if you want it to be available for everyone to use or just for you and then Save. 

Below you will find information about the different reports that you can print:

Employee reports

  • Employee report - In this report you will get a list of all your employees in your company. You will get a lot of options to choose what information you want to see, for example the employees emails, their employment dates or phone number. 
  • On Duty report - This report will show who is working, is absent and the staffs time recordings on a specific date. 
  • New and changed contracts 
  • Expiring contracts - Shows employees whose employment expired between the specified dates. Continuous historical employment for the employee is also shown.
  • Birthday report - Birthday list. Sorted by birthdate (year month day).
  • Inactive employees - Shows employees (contracts) without shifts or timerecordings in the selected period.
  • Comments - Shows all the comments for one person or all persons belonging to the selected departments.

Planning reports 

  • Weekly schedule - Weekly schedules, can be printed per employee or department. 
  • Time overview - shows employees scheduled on a certain date, printed per department. 
  • Scheduled time - Shows the total scheduled time per day and department for the chosen weeks. For unassigned shifts the break will be calculated according to the break rule for unmanned shifts setting on Planning / Shifts.
  • Weekly overview - Shows a printable version of the page Weekly Overview. 
  • Yearly adjustment report - The report is used to reconcile time worked and time scheduled against the weekly working time in the employment contract.

    The report is used to reconcile a period consisting of any number of days; e.g. 4 weeks, 3 months or 1 year.

    Expected working time is calculated by dividing the number of working days in the period by 5 and multiplying by the weekly working time. Holidays are deducted from weekly working time if this is specified in the collective agreement.

    If Timebank/5 is used and the report is taken from the last period reconciliation up to yesterday, the Period balance column in the report and the Timebank balance column on the Staff->Accumulated balances page will show the same balance.
  • Yearly adjustment report with Timebank - The report is used to reconcile time worked and time scheduled against the weekly working time in the employment contract when using a time bank.
    Only 'Normal time' shifts are included in the report.
    Expected working time is calculated by dividing the number of working days in the period by 5 and multiplying by the weekly working time. Holidays are deducted from weekly working time if this is specified in the collective agreement.
  • Weekly adjustment report - This report is used to balance actual, planned and worked hours with the weekly work time stipulated in the employment contract. It is intended to be used to balance a period consisting of whole weeks (7-day periods), e g 8 or 16 weeks. The expected work period is calculated based on all days in the period divided by 7 and multiplied by the agreed weekly work hours. Dates can be included or exempted to accurately reflect the terms of the contract.
  • Daily overview - Shows the shifts for departments for the chosen date.  
  • Base schedule report - Base schedule overview. You see the base schedules where there is a shift that is used by a department which you have access to.

Account reports

  • Time recordings and accounts report - Shows information about all shifts, stamps and balances within chosen time period.
    Only employees with selected department as primary will be included in the report.
  • Worked time - Shows worked time for the chosen department and time period. The settings for the system account group "Worked time" sets what is considered to be worked time.
    Employees with selected department as primary or secondary will be included in the report.
  • Preliminary salary report - Shows all accounts with generated balances within the chosen time period. The resulting output is grouped by department.
    Employees with selected department as primary or secondary will be included in the report.
  • Account report - per person - Shows generated balances according to chosen settings.
    Only employees with selected department as primary will be included.
  • Account report - per department - Shows generated balances according to chosen filter settings.
    Employees with selected department as primary or secondary will be included in the report.
  • Account report - per day - Shows generated balances according to chosen filter settings.
    Employees with selected department as primary or secondary will be included in the report.
  • Employee time report - Shows all time recordings, deviation codes, accounts and flextime either for a specific employee or for all employees with the chosen department as primary. 
  • Budget report - Shows a comparing view of budgeted time, scheduled time and final worked time according to the chosen report template. The various summaries that can be selected, such as sick leave and overtime, are based on the accounts that are included in each system account group.
  • Summary report - Summary Report for the accounts included in the selected report template. The report summarizes all balances, regardless of department, in continuous employment agreement until the selected date. When selecting a employee, display data from one or more companies. When selecting department, all employees are included who have chosen department as primary department in recent employment contract. When selecting collective agreement, all employees are included who have then chosen agreement in the most recent employment contract.

Deviation/Absence reports

  • Absence report - Shows a report over the absence for the chosen time period. Absence is listed by employee.
  • Absence overview report - Shows a report of the absence per day for the chosen time period.
  • Absence period report - Shows absence for the selected period of time and department. Any deviation codes to be shown have to be checked under "Deviation codes included:".
  • Illness percentage report - Shows percentage list of illness based on gender and age.
  • Manual Time recordings report - Shows employees with time recordings made in the web interface as opposed to on the time recorders. The time recordings are listed as well as who has made them.
  • Vacation Overview report - The report shows when the employees have their vacation. When filtering on unit or department the primary department of the employee is used to determine if they are included.

Other Reports 

  • Collective Agreement Comparison report - The report is used to get a compilation of a single collective agreement or to make a comparison between several collective agreements.
  • Salary specification report - Shows employees with a salary specification in the selected period.