Staff - End contract

How to end a contract/agreement or remove an employee that is not working for your company anymore.

When an employee has a time-limited contract or they are no longer going to work for you, you will need to end their contract in Timeplan. We do not recommend that you delete the employee from the system since all the previous information (time stamps, balances and work shifts) will disappear and be deleted from the database and you will not be able to retract that information again. 

If you do not end their contract they will keep showing up in all lists, reports and when you make schedules, for example in the Weekly Overview. 

To end their contract you go to Staff - Chosen employee - Contract. In here you click in the box "Until:" - choose the date you wish to end the contract and then press Save:

In the case that the employee is connected to a base schedule, has manual shifts scheduled, planned absence etc. will they all be deleted when ending a contract. You will get a pop-up warning as a reminder of this and when you click OK all of this will be deleted and also if there is any time recordings after the end date, so just make sure that you have all the information stored that you need before saving.