Staff - Time Stamps and Balances

On the tab Time stamps and Balances you will see the employees time recordings, deviation codes and the summary of the day/worked hours.

On the time line you will find the work shift and you can easily change the times for the shift by dragging it sideways or double-clicking on the shift and entering a new time manually.

If an employee has missed to clock in or out, you can add a time stamp either via the action list or via the tab Staff - Select current employee - Time stamps and balances - Select current day. 
To manually add a time recording click on Add time recording and then the clock in/out box will appear. The start/End time of the work shift will automatically show here.
If the time recording refers to something other than the work shift, this is changed manually in the box for Time. When the time recording is added click OK and Save and the day will be recalculated with the new time recordings. 

In the case that the work shift is in italics, it means that a manual change has been made, to see which change has been made, you can either hold the cursor over the shift and then the text +Overtime is displayed, for example, or you can double-click on the shift and then see manual change.

In the case that manual settings are made on a work shift, it will control over the settings found in the agreement to which the employee is linked under the page - Staff - Contract.
In the event that a comment is entered in the work shift, it is visible in the weekly schedule report.