Switching work shifts via the app

Employees who wish to switch shifts with each other or give up a shift to a colleague can do this via the web app.

Employees who wish to switch shifts with each other or give up a shift to a colleague can do this via the web app. In order for this to work, a setting must be made by a Timeplan administrator and after that in the agreement to which the employee is linked. Remember that this is registered on contractual basis, meaning that everyone who goes to the same agreement has the same opportunity to switch shifts.

Go to Agreements. Select the agreement where the setting is to be made and click on it. Select Main Settings. At the bottom right of the agreement there is a section called Work shift switch. There are three options to choose from:

  • Switch allowed, all switches require certification. This means that the employee can handle the switch themselves and then the switch is sent to the action list for approval.
  • Switch allowed, superior in charge is not notified. Here the employee can make the switch themselves but it does not end up in the action list for approval.
  • Switch not allowed. This setting is a basic system setting, which means that employees who go to this agreement cannot switch shifts with each other or assign work shifts to other employees.

Once you have selected one of the options, click on Save.

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In order for the work shift switch symbol to be visible in the calendar in the employee's web app, a shift must have been registered on the day in question.

Here is what the employee's app looks like under the tab Calendar:

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The symbol for shifts switches is on the right of the days when shifts are scheduled. To switch or give up work shifts, click on this symbol.

Switching shifts:

This is the process when you have the employee's agreement set to Switch allowed, superior in charge is not notified.

Click on Switch work shifts in the app.

A list appears on the employees whose work shifts are at the same cost centre.Bild 8

If you want to work on another day instead of on the day you have scheduled, click on the small calendar to the right of I want to work and choose a day. bild 9-1

Click on Run. A request, which looks like this, is sent via the web app to your colleague:


If a switch is possible and the recipient replies Yes, the shift is automatically added to the calendars and a confirmation is sent to both parties. 

In cases where the agreement is set to Switch allowed, all switches require certification, the request is sent to the action list for approval by a manager, see the illustration below.


After approval, a message is sent to the employee’s app. When the person who has received the shift clicks on OK, the shift is registered under the correct day in the calendar.


You can also select the option Give up work shift:

Click on the field Give up work shift. Select to whom the question should be addressed.


A control question is asked. Click on Perform.


Work shift switch in progress, awaiting reply will be added to the questioner's calendar under the current day.

A request is sent to the recipient's app.

The question ends up in the action list (if this is how the agreement is configured) for a manager to approve or reject.

Upon approval, a message is sent to the person receiving the shift and the shift is placed in the calendar once the recipient has clicked on OK.

A message goes to the person who has sent the request. 

In all cases, push notifications go to the employees’ apps via email or SMS depending on each employee's setting.