Two deviation codes on the same day

You can register two deviation codes for the same day in Timeplan - for example if one employee is part time sick and on vacation at the same time.

To do this you go to tab Staff - chosen employee - Time stamps and balances. Add absence (whole day & part of day) and shorten the work shift equivalent the hours the employee is absent part of day (before or after work shift). And then press Save. 

See pictures below:

1. Click on Absence

2. Add deviation code for Absence whole day and then add deviation code for Absence part day and the number of hours the employee will be absent and fill our the dates for the period (i.e if the employee is absent the same multiple days in a row). Press OK. 

3. Shorten the work shift as many hours as the employee is absent part of day. 

4. Save the day and it will calculate the day 

5. You can now see the absence registered above the work shift, and 4 hours is sick and one vacation day is registered. 

Unfortunately, not all payroll/salary systems can import two absence codes on the same day. So it is important that you double check with them before making these changes.