Weekly Overview - Custom Sort order

In the weekly overview in Timeplan all employees will automatically be sorted by their primary department. If you wish to sort your employees in a different order in the weekly overview - you do this through Custom sorting.

To custom sort your employees you will have to start by choosing what departments you want to sort and then press Show: 

If Settings doesn't show, just click on Planning - Weekly overview in the board over: 

Then click on Settings: 

In this box you click on Sort options:

Here you will get a list over all the employees with the chosen departments. Right click on a name, drag and drop to move the employees up and down the list. When you are satisfied with the order just click OK and OK again.  

Then you go back to the menu again and change Sort by to Custom sort order  and then press Show: 

These changes are personal and will only be shown with your log-in.