Absence before/after a work shift/Part time absence

How to register part time absence/absence part of day

Part time absence for a shorter period of time

Part time absence for a short period of time/only one day where the employee is absent part of day 

If you go to Staff - chosen employee - Time stamps and Balances. 

On the day the employee is supposed to be absent you can either create a work shift by dragging it out in the time shoulder - matching the hours the employee is gonna work or if there already is a work shift this day you change the work hours of the shift. 

Then you click on ""Absence":

In this step you will have to choose which deviation code represents why the employee is absent, for example sick, and then how many hours of the day they're absent.

When the employee then clocks in/out for their shift, the system will calculate the day and you can see the balances as per below:

Part time absence in base schedule

In the case that you have an employee who will be part time absent for a longer period it is easier for you to create a base schedule with the part time absence already in the work shifts. 

Start by making a work shift via Planning - Work shifts representing the hours the employee is supposed to work (full time hours). 
How to create a work shift you can find here.

Then go to Planning - Base schedule and start by clicking +New and name your new schedule under Description. Add weeks if you have more than one unique week on the schedule. If you made too many weeks just delete them by clicking on the red cross under Time. 

Double click on the first day that you want to create a work shift for, choose the correct shift in the list under Work shifts. Under the work shift section you will also choose the correct deviation code for the part time absence and how many hours of the shift the employee will be absent for this day in the schedule. 

If this shift is the same for several days on this schedule you can hold in the CTRL-button on the keyboard and click on the day you want the shift to be on. 

Timeplan will let you know if you violate the Working Time Act. It is important to make sure that all check boxes are green, otherwise Timeplan will not let you publish the Base schedule. 

Now it is time to add the employee/employees who will work on this base schedule.

Press Add person and a list will show of the employees who have the right to work in this department. 

You will be able to choose which start week and start date the employee will start on this schedule. You can also add an end date to the schedule, or leave this option blank if no end date is chosen.