Customise e-mail notification settings

As an administrator, you can receive notifications when important events occur. In this article, you can learn how to customize the settings and find explanations of the notifications.

Depending on the number of employees you have and your tasks, you may want to customize the notifications you receive. Notifications can quickly accumulate, making it easy to miss the most important events.

Here’s how to customize the notifications you want to receive:

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Click the arrow at the bottom left corner next to your company name.

  3. Click on Notifications (if you don’t see the option, either your version does not include this feature, or it has been disabled for the entire company).

  4. Choose which notifications you want to receive.

The images are taken from our test database and contain fake individuals.

Explanation of notifications:

  • Leave application: (An employee submits a leave request)
  • Messages: (Messages from employees, via the app)
  • Report absence today: (An employee reports absence via the app, e.g., sick leave, parental leave, etc. – read more about this feature here)
  • Undo reported absence today: (As above, but the employee has canceled the reported absence)
  • Shift swap request: (An employee has requested to swap shifts with a colleague)
  • Shift request response: (Yes / No response to a shift request sent by the administrator)