Release notes 2023-05-02

New feature, upgrades and bug fixes

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The release contains a few new upgrades regarding the Timeplan-product in its entirety, a new feature that were dropping is the opportunity to see submitted leave applications in the Weekly overview. As usual there's also some bug fixes in this release.  

A new feature and Upgrades

  • We've developed a new feature that'll make it possible to view submitted leave applications in the Weekly overview. The days the employee have applied for will be visible with a stripe background and if you hover over the particular day you can view which deviation code the leave application regards. If the leave application is approved it'll fall out just like regular absence. 
  • We've developed a new support for SD Worx payroll system. We've introduced a new button "Create schedule file" that only will be visible for the current salary period.  For example, if you're in the middle of April you'll only be able to take out the file for April's salary period. As soon as April has passed and the period is locked, the data will no longer be available. Instead the schedule file will be available for May's salary period. 
  • We've developed a new field for BFO-accounts in the personal data file for "Hogia lön plus." 
  • We've developed a new field for external numbers for departments when integrating towards SD Worx payroll system.
  • We've added a new tab in the left menu for TimeplanGo users, "Subscription". 
  • We've made a standard improvement of Timeplan that'll make it easier to develop the product in the future. 
  • We've developed a new API for import of schedule. 


Bug fixes

  • In some cases the base schedules hadn't been rolled out as they're supposed to. This is now resolved. 
  • Unwanted page break occurred in the Employee time report. This is now fixed. 
  • Under the tab Reports the name sorting did not work as it's supposed to, this is now fixed.
  • In some cases it was possible to place a break outside the work shift, this is now fixed.
  • “Missing text” was shown when attesting in the approval list. This is now resolved.
  • An error message occurred under the tab "Time stamps and balances" when entering through "Show day" in the approval list if you didn't have access to the page "Time stamps and balances". This button shall not be active for users that don't have access to the page. This is now fixed.
  • If you didn't have an employee contract an error message occurred under the tab Period adjustments. This is not supposed to happen, the side should be inactive so that you won't be able to do any adjustments, a text should also be visible explaining why. 
  • 0 vacation days was not savable. This is now resolved. 
  • When buttons were disabled you could still in some cases click on them. This is now resolved.
  • The button "Send invite" under the tab Personal information was locked for a specific user, this is now fixed.