Employees who work for more than one company/organization in the same database

If you are a bigger company, for example a hotel chain, and you want your employees to be able to work/be scheduled for the different hotels/organizations in your database, this article will explain how.

In order to be able to change/add departments to employees you need to have the right user profile settings on your Administrator profile that allows you to make these changes in the staffs contract. 

To make these changes you will also have to be allowed to make changes for both companies/organizations the employee is being scheduled for. You need to have access to all the departments in your user profile as an administrator. 

Depending on what user right you do have as an administrator, the different units (organizations/companies) will show as per the picture below:

You can in this certain database connect the employee to two companies/units ("Annat juridiskt bolag" and "Mitt Företag AB"). However, if there is more than two units you will do it the same way as we show here. 

The first step is to add the different departments that the employee will be working at to the employees contract. 

  • Go to Staff - chosen employee - Contract. This page will show the employees primary company. Each employee always have one primary company that they work for. You need to be logged in to the employees primary company to be able to see the different tabs, contract etc for the employee. 
  • Here you press Change next to department:

  • From here you can change the company and add the departments where you want the employee to be able to work, one will be primary as always, press OK and then Save:

All departments will show on the employees contract and the primary departments will be in bold:

  • If you want the employee to be able to clock in/out at the new company/unit you will have to add their terminals to the employees Supplementary information. Tick "Show all" by Permitted time recorders and tick the ones you want to register and press Save:

This is all you need to do on the primary company of the employees contract. 

Now you will go to the second unit/company. 

  • If you search for the employee in the Staff list - they will not show since this is not their primary company. 
  • To schedule the employee you can go to a planning tab - example Weekly Overview.
  • Choose the department/departments where you want to schedule the employee, set up your settings and click on Show:

You can now see that the employee shows in the weekly overview and as long as the contract and conditions are the same for both organizations/companies you are free to schedule the employee in here. If the employee is supposed to work on a contract of Extra hours at the secondary company, you will have to change the contract in the work shift. 

  • To change the contract in a work shift you double click on the day you want to add a work shift: 

  • This will take you to the Time stamps and Balances view and here you can add a work shift. More information about this you will find here: Create Work shifts
  • Double click on the work shift you added and in here you can make manual changes and change the contract. Only do this change in the case that the employee work on hourly rate on the secondary company instead of a monthly rate as their primary. 

  • The salary for each company will be divided in the salary file. 
  • Now you only need to press Save and close and repeat this if you want to schedule the employee on several days.